Hemlines...And A Moment of Gratitude (Sort Of)
Check these out! This gorgeous "Hemlines Mix and Match Stationery" set from Chronicle Books which I purchased tonight from Borders while on a date with my husband. Yes, you read that correctly. The Monkey and I are so addicted to books (and me to magazines and stationery products) that we have been known to spend our one romantic night out a fortnight (thanks to Nana and Poppa's Excellent and Inexpensive Babysitting Service!) at Borders. We even have a ritual of sorts - we grab dinner at Nandos in Queen St. and then head into the magazine section, before I hit the Sewing and Quilting section (which is always disappointing) while the Monkey puruses Sci-Fi, closing with philosophy/pyschology and stationery (or history/computers if you're the Boy) on the basement floor. Then a chai latte or hot chocolate at Starbucks (yes, evil corporation, bad bad coffee bean stealing bastards, blah blah blah. I get it, I JUST DON'T CARE) before heading home to peace and tranquility. To be honest, this is my idea of a perfect date night - I love just hanging out with my husband, sharing our love of books, catching up with him about things that matter, and just BEING together. Once a fortnight.
Aren't we lucky?
[Actually now that I've had a play in the Chronicle website and registered for the e-newsletters, I need to add a few items to my wishlist - this (of course), this looks hilarious, and this would probably help me out A LOT - what an idea! In fact, I think I love Chronicle Books! Oh, and my husband too...now, what was I saying?]