Monday, September 11, 2006

The Simple Joy of the One Woman Play

In case you're wondering, and I know you are, I returned from Wellington last weekend exhausted and depleted and even a little despondent, but I have been rejuvenated by a few small joys (like my lovely friends and family), in particular the joy that is the One Woman Play.

I have been incredibly fortunate this last fortnight to attend TWO One Woman Play's - "The Case of Katherine Mansfield" (with my Mum, and starring the ever brilliant and amazingly talented Danielle Cormack, who is, quite possibly, my favourite actress of all time - click here for a review) and "The Blonde, the Brunette, and the Vengeful Redhead" (with the lovely Tracey, and starring Kerry Fox, who I have to admit I was not so fond of, but I am a convert having seen her fantastic range and skill at work in this very complex and moving play - see here for the details). There really isn't anything quite like going to the theatre, is there?

[Except the nasty coughing and shuffling audience - I could really do with LESS coughing and shuffling from the "great unwashed" as a general rule. Still, small blessing in the fact people seem to have finally learnt how to turn off their cellphones!]

If I had to choose, I really loved the KM play - Danielle is wonderful as the stroppy and irrepressable KM - but it is impossible (and unfair) to compare these two strikingly different pieces of work. I'm just thrilled to have been to both and with two such lovely people for company - lucky me, huh?

PS. Yes, I am still sewing (in between two weddings, a third birthday party, a new baby in the family, and a renewed interest in my PhD - which I am mad keen to supress!) and have a few projects to show off in the next few days...which may also include a bag or two FOR SALE, even!
So there!


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