Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Update II: Creating February

Finished: Baby Charlotte's Quilt, given to her on her Christening Day (Saturday 18 February).
I am really proud of this quilt - I love the colours and I'm really pleased her Mummy and Daddy love it too.

Piecing: Baby Peanut's Quilt. This is going to be fun.

Mine!: Amy Butler's Lotus, in the Tea Box colourway...perfect.

Planning: Nappy Bags - Three on the cutting table, such fun! Photos to follow...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Update: Creating February

My first quilt: Finally bound and finished!

New sewing books: Ordered from Amazon...

Found: A creative solution to a hairwash crisis...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Creating February: A Personal Creativity Challenge

As we are expecting a new person in June (which I suspect will have some impact on my sewing time!), and this month has seen the return of truckloads of my favourite TV shows (which pretty much destroys my sewing time), I've decided to launch Creating February, my own personal creative challenge! The plan is to sew or create every day of this month - and to update my blog more regularly on WIP's and daily achievements.

I realise that today is the 3rd so here are the results for the last few days:

Washing fabrics and beginning to piece Baby Peanut's quilt. I appreciate that there may be some confusion as these fabrics were originally intended for Baby Hill's quilt. The truth is I love the fabrics and the colour way too much to give them another quilt is in the pipeline for Baby Hill.

Putting the fabrics and colours together for Nappy Bag #1.

Oh, and teaching CeeJae how to use the digital camera yesterday was TONS of fun. Yes, these definitely count as creativity!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Yoga Baby

We had our 20 week scan yesterday - and according to the nicest sonographer EVER all looks wonderful with Baby Peanut (CeeJae's chosen name for his new brother/sister), which is fantastic news. I caved at the last minute and asked to find out gender but this baby has well and truly decided to make us wait - knees AND feet were firmly crossed! But I couldn't resist posting this super-gorgeous photo of my adorable yoga cute is that?!!